
Medicinal Plants to Grow In Your Garden

Growing plants in the garden is something that can give plenty of joy – the sight of plants thriving in a garden are pleasing to both humans and to wildlife, and nowadays it is easy to get all sorts of plants by ordering them from places like this wholesale plants provider  In addition to growing plants for their beautiful looks and value to nature, plants also provide us with remedies to many different health issues.

If you want to grow your own medicinal garden, here are some of the plants that you should consider growing.

Echinacea – You may well have heard of this wonderful herb, as it is well known and used widely for its ability to assist the body with clearing an infection. Helping to boost the immune system and assist the body in fighting off nasty bugs, this is a popular herb to take in the winter when colds and flu bugs are rife.

As well as this, the beautiful purple flowers look great in the garden, echinacea is a must for anyone seeking medicinal herbs.

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Fennel – A popular kitchen herb, fennel also has medicinal benefits. All parts of the plant can be eaten and used as an ingredient in cooking and if you have digestive problems this could be the herb to use. Since the times of the Ancient Greeks and Romans it was used to treat colic in infants, as well as relieving excess gas and trapped wind. It can also be used to treat eye conditions such as conjunctivitis.

English Lavender – The beautiful and unmistakable smell of lavender on a summer’s day is something that most people enjoy in their gardens, and although it is often grown for this reason it has a range of other benefits. Lavender is also attractive to bees, making it a fantastic plant to grow in a nature garden.

It is most famously used to help calm the nerves and assist with sleep problems like insomnia. Lavender can be dried and hung in bags to help soothe the mind.

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Vervain – A small and diminutive plant, vervain can easily be overlooked, however it has long been used in herbal medicine. Helping both menstrual problems and stress, vervain is a plant that has a history that goes back as far as the ancient Druids and was one of the most important herbs used by them.

Lora Ray

Lora Ray is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.
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