It has been depicted many times on stage and screen but there is still some confusion as to what the Jewish celebration of Bar Mitzvah is. In part this comes from Non-Jews who would like to be a part of the ceremony but are unsure of what it entails. One of the best things that you can do is send Bar Mitzvah Cards to the family lucky enough to have gained someone in the family who has reached this important age.
As with the Christian faith’s rite of confirmation, the Bar Mitzvah, or Bat Mitzvah if a girl is celebrated when a child reaches the age of thirteen. When this comes around the child enters fully into the Jewish faith and becomes an active member of the Jewish community. There are several important rituals that are observed when this happens and one of them is also a big party for the boy or girl.
The Bar or Bat Mitzvah means that the child is seen as an adult in the eye of the Jewish faith. Their actions are now their own responsibility where previously they were viewed as being that of the girl or boy’s parents. At the temple they read from the Torah to confirm their faith and can then take a leading role, if they wish, in further worship services at the synagogue and in the home. This might seem like a lot for a young person to take on but it is viewed with great reverence and a sense of joy for the family and the wider Jewish community when it happens.