
All about switching energy suppliers

We are often told that we should change energy suppliers to save money, but this can consumers a little confused and bombarded with information. What are the real ins and outs of switching suppliers? Here are some answers about all aspects of energy, ranging from big things like choosing the right tariff, to little things like knowing where to find your supply number.

Energy prices and tariffs

Over the last few years, the range of tariffs on offer to customers has grown substantially, with many suppliers introducing green and online options – each of which has its benefits.

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Internet only

Special internet tariffs usually offer the most reasonably priced gas and electricity prices. Many believe that such tariffs are only available online, but often they will be available by telephone by contacting the supplier directly.

The main point is that you manage your account yourself; for example, accepting bills in electronic form via e-mail as opposed to paper bills but cost savings are passed on to you through lower energy prices. Whilst thinking about energy, make sure your electric and Gas Meter box are in good condition too. For replacement boxes, visit meterbox.co.uk

Green Rates

Green tariffs allow you to do something positive for the environment. Such tariffs are now offered by almost all suppliers and, irrespective of the green tariff you opt for, you will be doing your part for the environment.

The biggest difference between the various prices of green energy is in what you actually get in terms of the energy mix (that is, how your energy is produced and what suppliers do with the money you spend with them). However, these are usually divided into two main categories:


This is where suppliers match the amount of energy you buy from them with an equivalent amount of energy from renewable resources.


For example, when part of your bill is paid to renewable energy projects (solar power, hydroelectric power or wind power generation, for example), or reforestation projects.

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Green energy

It usually costs more to produce but, in many cases, if you have not switched suppliers you still need to be able to reduce your energy prices while helping support the environment.

No Standing Fees

Typically, utility bills contain two elements; fixed charges because services are available to you and variable costs for the amount you use. Tariffs without standing fees allow you to pay only for the energy you use and eliminate standing costs.

To check whether a fee-free rate might be your best choice, carefully consider how you use your energy and feel free to search and compare these rates with other products listed on our site. You should also look very carefully at the Kw / hour tariff rates by suppliers because sometimes this can be higher per unit of energy used than alternative stand type tariffs.


Why should I consider changing suppliers?

Save yourself a large amount of money

Change to the company you like

Help save the environment by choosing green tariffs

By switching, will I experience any break in my supply?

Not at all. The new chosen supplier will use the same cables, pipes, and meters that you currently use. They will also get in touch with your current supplier to timetable and sort out the transfer of your supply for you. The only difference you will see is that your bill will come from your new provider.

Joe Hammonds

Hi, I am Joe; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life.

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