When choosing a diet to lose weight, it is essential to know what the types of diets are and thus choose the one that best suits us and our goals. A regimen that is being talked about a lot lately is the intermittent fasting diet or 5:2 diet, in which 2 days a week you fast and the remaining 5 days you can eat all kinds of food. In this article, we explain in more detail what the intermittent fasting diet is like.
Steps to follow:
Step: 1
The intermittent fasting diet has been created by Dr. Michael Mosley, an English doctor who was researching a regime to lose weight quickly and has even published a documentary and a book about this diet.
Step: 2
This diet is also called the 5:2 diet since it is based on the fact that for two days a week, the consumption of calories is restricted, while for the other five days, you can eat normally.
Step: 3
In this way, the 2 days of fasting can only ingest 600 calories in the case of men and 500 in women, while the rest of the week you can eat all kinds of food. Nutritionists who favor this regimen argue that the flexibility and permissiveness of intermittent fasting suppress the feeling of being on a diet.
Step: 4
They also ensure that the fasting diet helps to lose weight because IGF-1 hormone levels are reduced, which has anabolic effects and can increase the risk of cell divisions, such as cancer. For this reason, the fasting diet is related to the reduction of the risks of contracting serious diseases.
Step: 5
Nor can we forget that, like any regimen, the intermittent fasting diet can have adverse effects on the human body if it is not carried out correctly. Detractors of this diet warn that the 5:2 diet can cause hypoglycemia, digestive problems, or constipation, especially in cases where water consumption is not increased during fasting days.
Step: 6
In case you want to go on a diet and start the fasting diet, it will be essential that you consult your doctor or nutritionist beforehand so that they can advise you and indicate if it is appropriate for your health.