When building a house it is essential to respect the environment. We are guests on Earth and we must treat it as best as possible to allow us to lead a quality life.
The environmental issue invests us more and more strongly due to the high production and consumption rhythms to which civilization has led.
For this reason, even the individual feels he has to do something about the environment and starts right from his everyday life.
Thus the ecological house was born …
What is meant by this term?
The ecological house is a home that is built and managed on the basis of very specific characteristics that allow it to better respect the environment by limiting consumption and exploiting natural raw materials.
Here are 10 features that you can implement in your home, or that you can choose directly during construction, to make a gesture to the whole world.
1. Use of natural materials
The use of some materials, which have always been chosen for the creation of houses, can be very harmful to the environment and to the people who must live there.
The change of perspective regarding the materials used to build and furnish brings multiple benefits such as a more intelligent use of raw materials, lower consumption, excellent insulation, etc.
Now it is preferred to use materials of natural origin and that have a much reduced environmental impact such as bamboo, wood, cork, fibers and vegetable waxes.
2. Photovoltaic system
The photovoltaic system is one of the main features of the ecological house. It can be installed at the time of creation, or added later, and many people have already decided to make this choice.
It consists of photovoltaic panels that capture solar energy and transform it into electricity.
This mechanism is possible because the photon from the sun hits the photovoltaic cell in silicon; its energy reaches the electrons, which then produce electricity.
The system is therefore able to produce electricity by far lowering the energy consumption produced by companies, bringing well-being to the environment and to the financial finances of those who decide to install it.
3. Create an ecological house thanks to the solar thermal system
The same principle, through which the photovoltaic system transforms solar energy into electricity, is exploited by the solar thermal system that transforms the sun’s rays into thermal energy, performing the function that generally belongs to the boiler.
The energy thus produced is used in two ways: for heating the house and for hot water.
In this way, it is possible to exploit a clean and inexhaustible resource, saving on the cost of gas.
4. Install a heat pump
A second way to heat, which contributes to the creation of an ecological house, is the choice of the heat pump .
This system is useful both for heating and for cooling the air during the summer. The process uses energies such as water, air and earth from which heat is absorbed through a closed system and then expanded into the environment.
It seems obvious that, even in this case, natural raw materials are used.
5. Thermal insulation
In order to create an ecological house, therefore a property that is more respectful of the environment, it is not only important to use natural sources but also to avoid excessive consumption.
A badly insulated house leads to considerable dispersion and an exploitation of excess resources to produce more than what is really needed.
Take for example the temperature of the house. During the winter, it is necessary to turn on the heating to counter the harsh climate. A house with good thermal insulation needs less heat to warm up and maintain the temperature over time.
This saves energy and, at the same time, limits polluting emissions.
6. Use thermal fixtures for an ecological home
When we speak of an insulation designed to prevent the external temperature from affecting the internal one, the main weak points are represented by windows and doors.
For this reason, the companies that produce them have come up with solutions that guarantee insulation.
To create an ecological house it is essential to choose thermal frames and the best solution is made of PVC frames, as they are beautiful to look at and extremely functional.
7. Acoustic insulation
What does sound insulation have to do with an ecological home?
Very much, actually. Through walls, ceiling and floors created with materials that allow sound insulation , it is possible to protect the occupants of the house from noise.
This particular type of insulation makes it possible to attenuate, or eliminate completely, the noises produced by external sources or by something falling inside the house.
The use of wood for the construction of buildings, together with thermal panels and acoustic insulators, guarantees a better quality of life inside the house and a lower dispersion of energy towards the outside.
8. Latest generation appliances
An ecological house is built thanks to the materials that compose it, but also thanks to the interior furnishings.
The old appliances had a very low energy efficiency class, which means they were characterized by very high consumption.
The latest household appliances produced, on the other hand, were designed to have a low energy consumption able to better safeguard the environment and, at the same time, to represent a lower weight for the bill.
As may be clear, this type of appliance has a higher cost than those of lower energy classes. However, this expense should be considered as an investment based on what you can save later.
9. An ecological house must have rainwater recovery
How much water do we use during the day? Think about how many times you turn on the tap, take a shower or water the garden.
The water has become a well almost obvious but, on the other hand, we do not think that the importance and waste without asking too many problems. An ecological house aims to avoid this kind of dissipation.
To overcome the waste, a method for the recovery of rainwater was invented in order to reuse it inside the houses.
Water enters a plant and is then filtered and used for cleaning floors, for watering the garden or for the washing machine.
By implementing additional filtering systems, it can also be used for personal hygiene.
10. Separate collection at home
Separate collection is a great way to encourage recycling and protect the environment.
Many municipalities have introduced this service for the community, but it is also possible to do this spontaneously within your own home.
It is sufficient to dedicate special containers for each type of waste and one for the waste to be reused as fertilizer.
Building an ecological house costs an initial investment, higher than buying a house that does not have the features listed above.
However, over time, this will help you achieve both economic well-being, having to bear less additional expenses, and physical well-being.