Vocational test-As human beings we enjoy constantly dreaming of situations or things that we would like to have in our lives, for example the formation of a family, the car of the year and a nice apartment. However, when it comes to choosing our university career, we are very often not sure what we want and we need help with a vocational test.
This is because it is one of the most important decisions of our lives and we know that it will have a great impact on our professional and personal future.
Taking into account that the ideal is that when we finish high school immediately begin our degree, so it is essential that we take the time to analyze our options.
Of course, we know that it is an overwhelming decision, so do not be surprised if doubts invade you when making this choice. The most important thing is that you look for tools that help you choose in the most accurate way.
If you are not sure what can be a good way to clear your concerns and discover the perfect university career for you, then reading a book can be very helpful, especially those that work as vocational guidance.
Below we will mention 7 books that can help you choose the university degree that most closely matches your interests and your skills.
Man in search of meaning
The man in search of meaning is a very inspiring work in which the Austrian psychiatrist tells his experience in a Nazi concentration camp and, specifically, narrates the moment in which he knew the logo therapy, a method that changed his life .
Basically, logo therapy is a tool of psychotherapy, a science that aims to change thoughts, feelings and behaviors, which ensures that any individual with the help of creativity and love can find meaning to their existence.
In this book, Frank offers his readers logo therapy tools so that they can find their true vocation in different areas of their lives, including the professional one.
The element: discovering your passion changes everything
No doubt this is another book that will serve as a vocational test, but in a very creative way: through testimonies.
To avoid ruining your reading, we will omit the names of the people mentioned in this book. What we can say is that all those mentioned in the work were able to discover their true vocations, just what you need.
How did these people manage to identify what they are passionate about? That is exactly what you will learn through the pages of this book published in 2009.
The game of Ender
If you are in the last year of high school, this book is ideal for you!
This work, which is already considered a classic science fiction, tries to make young people understand that they have the power to design the life they want and, of course, obtain it.
You have a university career included in the life you want, right? For that reason, Ender’s game will serve as a vocational test.
It is a text of ingenuity, improvement and teamwork that is designed to help students to define their interests and needs and, from there, to plan their lives.
The Little Prince
The classics of literature are characterized by leaving many teachings and The Little Prince is no exception.
This book can serve as a vocational test because one of its intentions is to help young people to know themselves. In fact, he tells how self-knowledge is an act of courage in which we must be critical of our way of being.
Also, the work talks about the links and how we relate, not only with people but with things. In this sense, we can reflect on the activities we do and what our relationship with them is.
All this can be very useful when it comes to making one of the most important decisions of your life: choose which university career to study.
The ideal work, discover your true vocation test
After seeing the title of this book, surely you have no doubt. Yes, it is a text that serves as a vocational test!
This work is one of the most useful for discovering the ideal professional career for you since its main mission is to help people identify their talents and vocations.
The book explains in a very clear and detailed way, what you have to do to be able to identify the professional area according to your tastes, needs and abilities.
One of the most important premises of this book is that a person’s vocation will always be in an area where they have talent.
That said, ask yourself what you’re good at.
Find your life
When written by a coaching expert , this book impels you to make the most momentous decisions for your life.
Focusing on how you can improve holistically, this work will invite you to find your vocation by exploring areas that, beyond the salaries and status they can provide, have meaning for your life.
As a vocational test, the work could give you surprises. Its mission is that you leave aside paradigms and really focus on finding what you are passionate about.
Ethics for Amador
This book is an essay with 9 chapters that talks about ethics, morals and the philosophy of life.
The work gives you tools to ask existential questions and get their answers, which is essential to plan your future and understand what professional areas are right for you.
In addition, it strongly emphasizes the importance of taking into account the ethical and human values ​​in the professional career that you are going to choose.
And ready! These 7 books will serve as a vocational test to discover what is the ideal career for you. Remember that choosing the degree you will study is not a simple task and you should not rule out any tool that helps you make a good decision.