Self Improvement

Emotional hangover: what is it and how to overcome it?

What Happens When We Drink Too Much Alcohol? The next day, we have to deal with the terrible hangover. However, it seems that alcohol is not the only element capable of causing this malaise. According to several studies conducted by some neuroscientists from the University of New York, there is also an emotional hangover: an experience caused by very intense emotions that shake us, drink us, and make us vibrate.

The question to ask is: can we avoid it? Surely not. The emotional hangover is a very intense state caused by unexpected emotional experiences that can also affect the memory of later events and cause some physical symptoms such as headache, back pain, and exhaustion or fatigue.

The emotional hangover cannot be avoided

Even if we want to be in control of everything around us, that will is impossible to achieve. There will always be something that will happen without warning. It can be a dismissal, the death of a relative, an unscheduled pregnancy, a sudden illness, a family debt, or any situation that was not in our plans. But if you feel like you need to seek professional help and want the most convenient option to consult a doctor, health experts recommend this credible online health consultations from

All these situations will make us experience very intense emotions that can trigger states of stress, depression, anxiety, and even panic attacks.

Woman kissing a broken glass

These unexpected and very intense emotions will generate a great hangover, which, in most cases, we are not aware of,  but which affects, in one way or another, our thoughts and processes of attention and memory.

Emotional hangovers persist in our body and state of mind. They are an example of how everything we live is reflected even after the instant in which it is lived.

Like alcohol-induced hangovers, emotional hangovers come to an end. However, it can also happen that, instead of minimizing them, we feed them if we constantly subject ourselves to situations that damage us emotionally or if we simply do not want to leave our comfort zone. Being a victim is a good example of a lifelong emotional hangover.

How to reduce the impact of an emotional hangover?emotional hangover

Why can an emotional hangover be intentionally prolonged? Why can it come to make us feel victims and, consequently, suffer? When we have a hangover we feel bad and when we feel bad, our whole environment becomes dark and negative. It’s like when we’re depressed and suddenly we stop seeing the world in color and start looking at it in black and white.

As we have seen, emotional hangovers can contribute to making us feel sad, depressed, or distressed, which will change our perception of reality. What is important is to be aware that the impact of an intense experience on ourselves can affect us and cause discomfort.

The duration of an emotional hangover can be a few hours or even a few days. It all depends on the person, on his ability to deal with it, and on his willingness to move forward despite the abyss of emotions that suddenly appeared.

It is important to learn to remain calm when we are on the edge of the abyss and to avoid making any important decisions during an emotional hangover. If we do this, we will almost certainly destroy that project that is so important to us or we will miss out on great opportunities. Being aware of our emotional hangover will be the best warning to postpone any important decisions that may affect our life.

Finally, we want to highlight the fact that the emotional hangover is an experience we all live. With the accelerated pace that marks our lives, we are exposed to it more and more every day. We can become aware of this process by noting that certain situations, which cause us very intense emotions, then influence our decisions and our life.

Taking a break, giving yourself some time and resting to disconnect from the external environment and connect with ourselves will help us overcome these hangover that sometimes creates great inconvenience.

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