
5 Ways to Safeguard Personal Data

Whether or not you think it’s a good thing that we spend around 45% of our waking hours online, here is some key info on how we can surf the internet responsibly.

Don’t Use Public WiFi

We’ve all done it before when we’ve been out and about with no signal, but joining a shared WiFi can come with risks. Many of these public networks are not secured, which could leave you open to hackers seeing your accounts, finding out your passwords or installing malware on your device so that they can later steal your identity.


Encrypt Your Data

To protect your data from hackers, you can encrypt it using a VPN, or virtual private network. This service allows you to connect to the internet using a specific server and location which will scramble your data should anyone try to tap into your connection.


For businesses, the use of a data collection company like can ensure compliance with current safety standards.


Keep Your Devices Updated

Automatic updates are there for a reason, and this is to continuously improve apps and browsers to protect users from vulnerability. These updates include new features and security patches to ensure you have the best protection for your personal data.


Don’t Use Auto-Fill for Your Passwords


As tempting as it can be with all of the passwords we have to remember these days, saving passwords to your browser can have devastating effects. For instance, this is only useful if you have your gadget – what happens if you lose this or it is stolen and all of your passwords are automatically stored on it?


Don’t Click on Links You Don’t Trust

So many people are fooled by scammers who pretend to be an authoritative company or service getting in touch, but the best thing to do is to check the sender’s email address to see if it looks like a trustworthy source. Generally speaking, you should not click on links found in emails from unknown sources.


Is it time for you to tighten up your security?

Lora Ray

Lora Ray is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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