Home Improvement

Different types of builders

Contractors are available in many different sizes and shapes, with varying degrees of experience and specialties. Selecting the right contractor for your project is essential to ensure that you get a high-quality build and your budget stays intact during construction.

Contractors can be classified into different types

Here’s a list you can use to familiarise yourself with the key terms that you will encounter during the tendering process.

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Approved Contractor

You have selected the builder to complete your project. The builder will be chosen during the tendering phase based on his or her experience, resources and track record.

Construction Manager

It is not the job of the construction manager to do the work, but rather to supervise the trade contractors on site.

Contractors for design and construction

They not only build the house, but also design the architecture. For more information on a Construction Company Manchester, visit https://www.piggottandwhitfield.co.uk/building-services/

Subcontractor for domestic work

Subcontractors are brought in by the main contractor to complete a certain part of construction. You won’t be involved in the hiring process so it’s important to ask if the builder will use subcontractors at the tendering stage.

Nominated Subcontractor

You have chosen a subcontractor and forced your main contractor to use them.

Named Subcontractor

The homeowner may choose to compile a list for the main contractor from which to choose subcontractors. The main contractor is responsible for this subcontractor because they are making the final choice.

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During the construction process, a general term that is used to describe all service providers or suppliers of goods and materials.

Trades Contractor

Contractors are responsible for a particular element of your project such as electrical installation. This is not a subcontractor but a professional that you directly hire and manage.

Work Package Contractor

The specialist contractor will handle specific aspects of maintenance or replacements that a building may require.

Building companies come in many different types

During the tendering process, it is important to consider what type of company a contractor belongs to or owns. You should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each size of firm.

Solo traders are just what they sound like, a single contractor that can handle all the work themselves. They are usually used for smaller projects and renovations. However, they could also be used for small extensions depending on their level of skill.

Lora Ray

Lora Ray is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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