Food and Fruit

Traditional Italian Pizza from Ireland’s Largest Capital City of Dublin

Classified as the largest Capital City in Ireland, Dublin is located on the mouth of the River Liffey and is bordered by the Wicklow Mountain Range to the south.  With a fascinating history and vibrant, thriving, Arts, Entertainment, Music, Sports and Food Cultures, the City is renowned for its hospitality and its Traditional, Italian, Pizza Restaurant Dublin such as the award winning  This prestigious, Naples Inspired, true, Italian Restaurant is proud of its authentic Wood-Fired, traditional Pizza oven that was hand-made at their premises by real Italian Artisans.  Refining the craft that’s been handed down by generations of traditional Neapolitan Sourdough Pizza Makers, this Team have won the prestigious award of being placed on the AVPN List, only 706 other Italian Restaurants have been given this honour world-wide!

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Nicknamed “The Fair City” Dublin has an undeniable excitement and vibrancy that attracts thousands of visitors to its shores.  Determined to bring the true authenticity of Italian Sour Dough Pizza and hand-made pasta to all these hungry tourists as well as the growing local population of well over 1,500,000 are the dedicated, passionate Team behind these fresh, culinary delights.

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The Food and Drinks Industry is booming in Dublin and you have to stand out from the crowd in order to thrive there.  With the exponential growth of apartment living in the city, there are plenty of young couples ready to spend their money on exceptional Italian food.

Lora Ray

Lora Ray is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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