
How to write a perfect cover letter

There is no agreement on what part of the job application process – creating contact networks, doing a resume or doing a perfect interview – is the most exasperating. Adding cover letters to this combination does not help you whole, but knowing how to write a perfect cover letter will play a big part of the game and we can help you win it.

How to write a perfect cover letter? Know the Basic rules

Adjust to a maximum of three paragraphs with three or four sentences each. If you send the request by email, paste the cover letter in the body of the message so that the person in charge of human resources can read it immediately. Review it and use a spell checker as if your entire professional career depended on it.

How to write a perfect cover letter

The greeting

Investigate thoroughly to know the name of the person responsible for human resources and not use the generic “Dear sir/madam”.

Paragraph 1: Main dish

Letters of presentation do not leave the best for the end: the first sentence can be determinant in your application. Do not waste space affirming the obvious (such as for example, your name and that you are interested in the xyz position) in the first paragraph. Take out the heavy artillery and leave them dazzled with a first impression that explains why you not only get the job excited, but you would be perfect for it. As you know how to write a perfect cover letter, it will help you a lot.

Paragraph 2: Moment to highlight

So, do you think you’re special? This is a good time to prove it. Highlight your achievements, show your knowledge and publicize your experience. Do not repeat your resume, amplify it and tell a story, here you can use complete sentences. Write in a friendly and close tone that shows your enthusiasm and transmit personality, be bold, but humble.

Paragraph 3: Do your homework

Investigate and personalize your cover letter. Read about the company, the department and the position, search the internet if necessary, including tweets and LinkedIn profiles of employees. Then, highlight in passing that you are an expert and passionate person who does not just copy and paste. Use that impulse to make an elegant transition to the last sentence. Here many of them make mistakes who do not know how to write a perfect cover letter and leave them behind in the job interview.

How to write a perfect cover letter

Make a (very) strong end

Close in a big way and summarize in a sentence why you and the stand complement each other like butter and marmalade.

Last formality

Of course, you’re looking forward to telling them more about you in an interview and it will be a pleasure to send you more information in case you need it. Do not de-emphasize and do not digress.


Do not forget to put your name here.

In the job market, there are many of us who are capable but left behind just because we are shy to present us in the interview. As candidates now you know how to write a perfect cover letter for the job interview. It will not ensure your job but will put you in front of many. Good luck!!

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